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An Interview with Canadian Makeup Sensation MUAVEE

An Interview with Canadian Makeup Sensation MUAVEE


Melanie Viger, also known as MUAVEE, is a force to be reckoned with. At just 29 years old she’s already won hearts, inspired minds, worked with some of the greats, and started her own creative empire. With years of experience, dozens of accolades, and a whole lot of knowledge under her belt, she’s the perfect “makeup master”. We sat down with the rising creative star to chat ambition, focus, and growth.

Canadian Bride Guide

CBG: Muavee, it’s so wonderful to see you! Thanks so much for chatting with us.

Muavee: Thanks so much for having me.

CBG: Of course. Your reputation precedes you in all the best ways! Now that we have you, we’ve got to know, how did you start doing what you do?

 I started doing makeup in high school, I had really bad skin and just wanted to cover it, from there I went to makeup school. After some amazing feedback from the school I gained enough confidence to start to pursue it further. I was also studying at OttawaU and Carleton for finance and worked a job in the same field but always kept a part time job in makeup. Eventually I moved to Toronto and after few years was able to quit my day job and decided to pursue makeup full-time. I haven't looked back since. 

CBG: That’s incredible. Sounds like you really found your calling. Before we get too much further, we have to ask, Muavee is a super unique name - how did you come up with it? 

Muavee: It’s a bit of a funny story really. My best friend and I were living together at the time, I remember she came into my room and said "Mel, you need to get this app it’s called Instagram", I laughed " I'm not really down for that thanks". She insisted and of course I caved. I remember us sitting there and her saying "Ok Mel what's your username going to be"? Stumped she replied with why don't we do "MUA For Makeup Up Artist and V for your last name". I don’t think MUAV was available (though that's my nick name now) so we added the EE and here it is! MUAVEE. 

CBG: Ha, that’s hilarious. So it all started with “The Gram”. Speaking of which, we have to say, your account is absolute fire. Not only do you showcase such great work, but you showcase some pretty incredible faces that you’ve had the chance to do it on. Who have been some of the most interesting faces that you've worked on?

I was nearly crying of laughter when I was working on Amanda Cerny, we laughed so hard it was even hard to get the job done, but such a great and memorable experience. I also always have a good time working on Rachel Bush, she's so unbelievably gorgeous and so fun to work on.

CBG: Well those are definitely two huge names we definitely recognize! Aside from famous people and hilarious (and beautiful) influencers, have there been any notable events or shows you've worked on as of late?

 Muavee: I recently did the Oscars which has to be my favourite events. Everyone is there to show off so it’s fun in the glam side of things as people are always a little more open minded to different looks. I also kinda enjoy the pressure now, it’s exciting!

CBG: We can only imagine! While working high profile events is definitely a fun perk - we also notice that you've definitely done your fair share of bridal makeup as well! Tell us, what's the biggest challenge when it comes to doing bridal makeup? 

Muavee: The biggest challenge is the early mornings and sometimes the environment. It’s a challenge to constantly set up and work in different environments every day but I stay focused on the task and always get the job done.

Canadian Bride Guide

CBG: That’s so great to hear. What would be one of your biggest pieces of advice for brides when it comes to picking a makeup artist for their wedding?

 I would say my best advice would be to pick someone who's style you like and then make sure they listen to your requests. Also I always suggest a trial with your makeup artist that way you're 100% sure.

CBG: Solid advice! Any tips on how to find your "bridal makeup style"? 

Muavee: I don't even know what a "bridal makeup style" is anymore!! It's 2020, do whatever makes you feel HOT!! If you are going for a "style" I’d probably base it off personality and the dress/venue you pick.

CBG: Ha, we couldn’t agree more, that tip makes perfect sense. Speaking of tips - any fun wedding day hacks you've picked up to help brides stay looking their best on their big days? 

Muavee: I think it's very helpful for someone to know their skin and how their skin wears makeup. As makeup artists we do EVERYTHING in our power to make it last, but the more we know the better decisions we can make in application. Each person will need different things but in general terms - try not to sweat, use powder or setting spray and don't touch your face!

CBG: Makes sense to us! Ok so aside from bridal things - You recently launched the Muavee Makeup Studio - could you tell us a bit about that?! What made you want to start it? 

I've always wanted to have a studio, I see it as my creative HUB. Somewhere I can take clients or create content of my own. I'm a creative person deep down and I need to create or paint (makeup) to be happy and having a comfortable and inspiring place is huge for me! I also wanted a place where clients could feel comfortable knowing they can have a really 1:1 elite experience and the studio really gives you that.

Canadian Bride Guide

CBG: Aw, we love that. Not only do you have this incredible new space set up but you’ve also got a fantastic lash line! What inspired you to take that direction with your brand? 

Muavee: Clients used to bring me these lashes that they would buy online and would be so excited to use them but I'd open the box and just knew they wouldn't look good - I’d also just feel bad that they spent tons of money on them! In doing some research I found that the best solution was to have my own custom lashes available, something that I knew I could really custom pick each lash for each person and knew I could minimize the prices my clients are paying while still bringing them the top of the industry quality.

CBG: That’s really so thoughtful of you and ridiculously practical. Two really logical yet totally innovative accomplishments. What has the biggest reward and biggest challenge been in starting all these initiatives? 


Muavee: I'm truly proud of myself, and that’s a huge reward on its own. I love that what makes me the happiest also makes other people not only happy but confident and empowered. It's a great feeling. The biggest challenges is that you never feel like you're done, there's always something to work on, to think up and it can become emotionally draining. I have a constant reminder that this is a life long project. 

CBG: Definitely. We love how you really seem to honour yourself and all the incredible progress you’ve made. Another thing that really stands out about you is that you've really managed to carve out a niche for yourself, not just as a brilliant makeup artist, but as a badass and driven entrepreneur - how did that come about? 

Muavee: I'm a big dreamer, I aways have seen myself to be both a creative and a business person. Merging the two was just something I had to figure out as I navigated though my career. I didn't always know what I needed to do but I was confident from a very young age in my work and that I could make it happen. Makeup artists weren't doing the things we do now but with confidence, perseverance and my personal style in cosmetics I really managed to pave my own lane.

CBG: Absolutely. And it’s just that confidence, perseverance and personal style that has made you so sought after by celebrities, influencers, and brides alike. What keeps you going? Who/what motivates you? 

Happiness. I truly get pleasure from my job and my life. I would continue this for the rest of my life.

CBG: Now that’s beyond great to hear. Since it seems like you’ve got it all figured out, any last words of wisdom for our readers out there?

 Discover who you are, love that person and BE that person.

CBG: And there you have it folks. Words of wisdom from the insatiably talented Muavee.



For more information on Melanie Viger or to book your own personal appointment email: or call (647 )362-3206 | @muavee @makeupbymuavee | @bymuavee

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