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An Interview with Dayle Borden of 'Oh Happy Brides'

An Interview with Dayle Borden of 'Oh Happy Brides'

We sat down with the newly married and soon-to-be momma Dayle Bey, the owner of ‘Oh Happy Brides’ bridal shop in Toronto to chat all things dresses, bridal, and fun.

CBG: Dayle, it’s so great to meet you! Thanks so much for taking the time to sit down with us to chat. Ok, so tell us, how the heck did you get into this whole bridal business of ‘Oh Happy Brides’?

DB: Before settling down in Toronto with my husband, we actually used to live in Australia. This is where my bridal career began. I had never planned for it to be this way, but I one day found myself working for an Australian bridal designer and, 5 years later, I still work for them remotely and now stock their gowns in my very own bridal shop.

CBG: Isn’t it funny how life works out like that?

DB: Absolutely. Opening ‘Oh Happy Brides’ was a labour of love. I always knew I wanted to own my own business, and after working for a designer for so many years and meeting all of the happy vendors and brides that are involved with the wedding industry, I knew what I was going to do. We found the perfect street location in a historic building in Toronto’s Junction neighbourhood and fixed it up to be the perfect bridal haven for my brides. Going to work each day is a treat and I feel so lucky to have built something from the ground up that so many people in Toronto can enjoy! 

CBG: Aw, that’s so fabulous to hear. So what is it exactly that you do at this wonderful little bridal haven?

DB: I own and operate ‘Oh Happy Brides’. So on top of handling all the day-to-day tasks with owning a business, I’m also the one who greets you at the door and helps you through the process of finding your dream dress!

CBG: How fabulously hands on and intimate. What inspired you to open up your own wedding shop?

DB: It was my first trip to the New York Bridal Market. I was accompanying a bridal designer to help showcase her new collection. I spent each day meeting so many amazing store owners from all over the world. When I came home to Toronto I noticed there were some beautiful bridal shops in the city, but none that carried exclusively Australian designers. This is where it began!

CBG: What a neat concept! So what sort of Australian designers do you carry then?

DB: I carry three different Australian bridal labels; Goddess By Nature, Luna Willow Bridal and ELAVONZA Bridal. Each designer offers lots of customization options which is great news for my brides! You usually fall in love with 99% of a dress and might change one little thing, these designers will do that for you! Also each dress is made with love in their Australian studios which gives us greater control over each dress that is made. We even do completely custom gowns!

CBG: That’s phenomenal. Is there a particular style that you tend to lean towards?

DB: Oh man - no. I think all bridal shop owners sort of enter into this consistent dreamlike state where we see pretty gowns all the time and imagine all the different kinds of weddings we could have. One moment my favourite dress is a strapless ballgown with floral appliqués, the next it is a totally simple crepe fitted gown. I just love wedding dresses too much to have one favourite style!

CBG: Ha, totally fair. Now with so much selection out there, how do you select the dresses/brands that you stock?

DB: At the moment I am working with Australian bridal designers who I have a close relationship with. These bonds were formed when I lived in Australia and worked in the wedding industry there. I find it’s something special to know exactly who is making my brides dresses and fulfilling my orders. 


CBG: Absolutely. It’s always really great to know exactly where things are coming from and so wonderful that you have the added perk of knowing exactly who’s making them! How neat! What's your favourite dress that you've ever had in your shop? Do you have one?

DB: Hmmm I suppose that would have to be ‘Muskoka' by Luna Willow Bridal. Simply because it’s the gown I had designed for my own wedding day. I gave them my vision and they brought every inch of it to life! Now it’s surreal to see other Luna Willow Bridal stockists worldwide ordering samples for their stores - and brides buying the gown for their wedding as well! It was my little designer moment.

CBG: That is wild. Look at you, turning into a full fledged designer yourself! Sounds like it’s all coming full circle. Whether it’s lending the designer eye or the personal fitting touch, we love how much of yourself you’ve really put into this company, and so we’ve got to know, what was it that you really wanted 'Oh Happy Brides' to stand for?


DB: I’ll tell you a little bit about where it came from. The wedding hashtag for my wedding was #ohhappybeys because my new last name is Bey. This saying is just something that I associate with joy. I wanted the name of my bridal shop to be cheerful, and this shop name just fell in line with everything I wanted!

CBG: Well you definitely achieved that, that’s for sure! What makes Oh Happy Brides different from other wedding dress shops?

DB: I guess there are two major things that make my shop stand out. The first being that I stock exclusively Australian bridal gowns. Australian bridal designers are having a bit of a hot moment, so this is an exciting thing for most of my brides! They all love Australian bridal looks and weddings. The other thing is that my shop is exclusively YOURS during your appointment. You bring as many guests as you like, and then the whole store is your bridal playground for the full hour and a half. It’s more intimate and allows brides to feel a bit more comfortable.

CBG: Wow - that would be quite the experience! What's your favourite part about working one-on-one like that with brides?

DB: Getting to know them! The conversations I’ve had with brides have been so memorable! It’s just me and them getting to chat about their wedding plans. What they do for work. The things they’re interested in. After an appointment I often feel like I just made a new friend. This is why a lot of my brides end up following my personal instagram and we end up just chatting about wedding plans! I love it!

CBG: Aw, that’s so sweet - and so very true! It is a really personal experience and you definitely get to know people in a whole new way during it. Now, if you were working with a bride, what would you recommend to them in terms of current favourite wedding dress trends?

DB: Truly? I find the trends change so fast it’s hard to keep a current favourite. I think for me what I love even more is finding the dress that feels like it was made for the bride. There’s no better feeling then seeing them waltz around the store checking themselves out for 20 minutes and not wanting to change out of it! And this can happen with a style from two years ago, or one that just came in last week. 

CBG: How interesting! Ok, keeping in line with finding a dress that feels like it was made for the bride, what should a bride look for when selecting her wedding dress?

DB: Comfort first and foremost. Everyone has their “thing” with their body. And you’ll want to choose a dress that makes you feel comfortable, beautiful and happy!

CBG: That’s great advice! Anything she should avoid?

DB: I suppose one of the main things bride’s don’t realize until they begin shopping is that most designers take 6-8 months to turnaround a dress order! So shopping in the 12 to 8 month pre-wedding date range is the best time to go! You won’t feel rushed and you won’t have to succumb to any additional “rush order” fees.


CBG: Another solid tip for sure. Ok advice aside, have you had any most memorable moments with any of your brides?

DB: OMG TONS! But my all time favourite has to be with one bride who was trying on a bunch of dresses, and when I helped her into the one for the first time, I was zipping her up and I heard a little gasp/reaction. I asked her if she was okay and she replied "Ya, I’m just having a moment.” and then the gasp turned into a sob and she said “Actually, I’m having a lot of a moment, I love it” and she was just crying in the change room before she even came out! It was the best, most instant connection I’ve ever seen between a bride and her dress! 

CBG: Aw, that sounds like it must have been so magical! What a sweet bridal shop memory. Have you had any memorable moments as an entrepreneur? Any ah-ha moments?

DB: I feel like every month there is an ah-ha moment. I suppose one of the best things for me was deciding to rent out my back room to a wedding florist. We never imagined it would become such a natural partnership! She fills the shop with beautiful arrangements, and she’s also there for any of my brides who are still looking for a wedding florist! I think we now have at least 30 shared brides! Which is soooo exciting. We both become friends with these girls and we get extra excited about seeing their wedding galleries since we both played a part in their dream day!

CBG: Gosh, that does seem like a perfect partnership! Being both the shop owner as well as the buyer, you're the head of both the creative and the business aspect of your company.  How do you manage such diverse roles in such a balanced way?

DB: Determination. A lot of determination! Haha, but I suppose when you open a new business that you’re truly passionate about in every way, each aspect of the business is exciting and new to you. I’ve enjoyed learning every little thing. I also think it’s a great way for entrepreneurs to go. This way, you’re the know-it-all. You know how to do absolutely everything. And when the time comes, you can hire the help needed to pick up with certain areas of the business.

CBG: Absolutely. What's one thing you wish you knew going into all of this?

DB: You mean besides the fact that a global pandemic was going to hit within my first year of business? Hahaha, I think every new business owner on the planet can relate to me on that one! But in all seriousness, I think maybe it would be that everything will work itself out. For anyone who is dreaming up starting their own business, but has hesitations or keeps telling themselves they’ll get to it one day, if you feel ready then go for it. If you’ve got the means and the passion to get started, you have to dive in head first. If you’re determined to make it work then all the pieces will eventually fall into place. And once you’re open for business and you meet those first few happy customers, all the stress you went through will suddenly feel so worth it.


CBG: Sigh, what lovely lessons to have learned. What's one thing you hope brides can take away from their experiences with you?

DB: Honestly, that they had a great shopping experience in my store! There’s a dress for every bride, and I never feel down if a bride doesn’t find her dream dress in my shop. Many do, many don’t! But the one thing I’m always so happy about is that every single bride, and all of her guests, always have such great things to say about visiting my shop! I want everyone to have a comfortable and positive experience regardless of if they found their gown with us or not. 

CBG: Gosh you really are so lovely, aren’t you? What's one thing you hope to take away from this whole 'Oh Happy Brides' experience?

DB: Knowing that I’ve had a small positive impact on my brides and their wedding days. Years later from their wedding, I hope they can tell a story of how they loved finding their wedding dress at my shop. 

CBG: Now that is something worth being remembered for. Ok, last question, what do you want your legacy to be?

DB: Oh who knows. I feel like my goals are ever-evolving! But I suppose step number one is to grow ‘Oh Happy Brides’ into a reputable, well-known bridal shop location in Toronto. From there? Maybe we’ll open a second location. That would be the dream! 

CBG: Well, it certainly seems like a dream that’s well on it’s way. Thanks so much for taking the time to chat with us Dayle!


Photographs courtesy of @OhHappyBrides, @janetkwanphotography and @flowertreasures_

To learn more about Dayle or to book your appointment at ‘Oh Happy Brides’ head to or check out @ohhappybrides on all social platforms



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